Alternative History Books
Title Author Description Period Goodreads Score
2034 Elliot Ackerman, Admiral James Stavridis A novel that imagines a future conflict between the US and China escalating into world war. Near Future 3.7
Agent of Byzantium Harry Turtledove In an alternate world where the Byzantine Empire never fell, an agent tackles various threats. Byzantine Empire Continuity 3.8
The Yiddish Policemen's Union Michael Chabon Alternative history where Jewish homeland is in Alaska, following a detective's murder case. Post-WWII 3.7
The Years of Rice and Salt Kim Stanley Robinson Imagines a world dominated by Islamic and Buddhist countries after Europe's population dies. Post-Black Death 3.7
The Man in the High Castle Philip K. Dick A world where the Axis powers won World War II, dividing the United States. Post-WWII 3.6
11/22/63 Stephen King Time traveler attempts to prevent JFK's assassination, exploring ramifications of time travel. 1960s 4.3